The Midlife New Yorker

Business Coach & Directors Guild Television Broadcasting Stage Manager

Creator Of “Craft Addict University”, The “Me Movement”, & The My 2 Podcasts “Mind Your Own Online Business” & “Talkin’ Toxic”.

Coaching Ordinary People On Building An Online Business Doing What They Love & Feeling Good About Who They Are.


What People Are Saying About Their Personal Coaching Calls With Me.




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“Talkin’ Toxic” podcast!

For those in a toxic/abusive relationship or wanting to start healing after leaving one. This podcast is for YOU!

While mentoring so many people one-on-one and in online support groups, I get the same questions and situations but from so many different people I thought I would have a greater reach by launching my own podcast and record episodes answering those common problems, solutions, and questions.

Have questions for me ? Submit your questions privately by using the button below and listen in on Q&A Tuesday’s to hear my answers.

(Available wherever you get your podcasts from.)

Go From Toxic To Triumphant!!!

Helping heal the broken with valuable life strategies & tools in mental health and/or proper nutrition & exercise . Do you suffer from depression? Anxiety? Are you just lost? Learn how to define yourself, find yourself, and develop the recovery skills needed to rebuild and create the life you've always deserved!

Ways to connect with me!


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Splyka Tikey-

"Please keep doing what you're doing, you are nothing short of fabulous and amazing! please please do these on a weekly basis. You're a beacon of light to people who you might never even know.

Your experience alone, how you overcame everything as a single parent is not just inspiring and moving but it helps people who have literally spiraled down to the bottom.

Anyone who would have seen your YouTube or Facebook videos could seriously testify that you should be teaching at a conference, convention, or lecture on the subject.

You need to patent your strategic plan! (AKA "Me Movement') = ITS TRULY THE BEST I HAVE EVER SEEN! YOU COULD GO ON TOUR WITH TONY ROBBINS!!!!


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Steven Silver

"I needed help with moving on and forward in my life as a victim. I was destroyed and devastated as a victim of Narcissistic Emotional Abuse, which is a form of Domestic Violence. As a man, its hard to come forward and express that I'm a victim of Domestic Violence. We are not looked upon to be subjected to the same abuse as women are. Due to that stigma I went into a dark place of self pity and hopelessness.

Chelsey Hearn found me and reached out to me, seeing that I was in need of help. Through her one-on-one coaching session, website, and her self love seminar I have found value and hope in my life. I am now becoming aware of my of my self identity and self love.

What I liked particularly is that she made me look into myself and asked myself serious questions. I was forced to gain self perspective and to be brutality honest with myself. I learning to love ME again and transforming from a victim into becoming a survivor.

I would strongly recommend Chelsey for anyone who is struggling and needs a push into the right direction. Now, instead of my past owning me, I'm learning to own my past and becoming at peace with myself. "

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Coach Chels has been amazing! I can't say enough good things about the wonderful way she's been helping me sort through so much in my life. Last year, I was in such a miserable and dark place as I was discarded by my narcissistic ex-husband.

After thoroughly re-evaluating the patterns and poor choices in my life, I realized that I truly needed some help. Coach Chels reached out to me and invited me to join her Facebook Community - Me Movement. Since then, I have seen amazing things transpiring in my life. She's been a huge help with realizing how much I have to be thankful for as well as helping me in goal setting and making progress with even the tiniest or largest of goals. She's really helped with her Self-Love Challenge in getting me to have a lot more introspection and realization of where I need to improve on internalized self-talk. Everyday, I have the choice to determine whether it's going to be a good day or a bad day. It has been a huge help knowing Coach Chels is right there, cheering me onward and upward in my life.

I highly recommend Coach Chels to everyone. She is so knowledgeable on various topics and if she doesn't know the answer, she will research and let you know whom to contact or where to look for answers. She is worth her weight in gold and I just can't say enough good things about how inspiring and life-altering she is as a life coach.

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Kristine Sparks

"Had my one on one call with Chelsey. You all don't need to be afraid to talk to her. She's sweet, considerate, and very insightful and inspiring! Sign up for the spots left. You won't regret it but you will if you miss the chance to talk directly to her."

One-on-one coaching sessions are now available.


“Chelsey’s Favs” Reference Section: In My Amazon Storefront

Mental Wellness Section

The Me Movement 30 Day prompted Journal

Why Journal ?  

Over the last 30 years, the concept of keeping a journal or diary has been empirically shown to make therapy more effective and to diminish symptoms of depression, anxiety, panic, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress (PTSD), and many other disorders.  Additionally, journaling is for everyone, including individuals who are not seeing a mental health practitioner.  Likewise, the proven journaling benefits include better physical health (i.e. blood pressure, immune functioning) and an overall improved mood and mental well-being. This Special journal has been created specifically for abuse or toxic recovery writing. 

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Learning to love yourself is the first step to your complete recovery process. With my “Self-Study”, “Self-love workshop”,you’ll have everything you’ll need to guide you through the process of finding your self worth and gaining your confidence back so you can take back control!


Introducing The All New "Goal Crusher Workshop"

Nutrition Wellness Section

Grab Your Free Broken Heart Food Guide Here:

Grab Your Free Broken Heart Food Guide Here:



No More Antidepressants ! How CBD Oil helped me, which one I use, & what inspired me to make my own line to help others.

No More Antidepressants ! How CBD Oil helped me, which one I use, & what inspired me to make my own line to help others.

Try this FREE _Daily Check List of 17 Self Care Steps_.png

Self Care is one of the most important things you can do for yourself & others. Try these 17 steps for one week and see how they can truly change your life.


Got Hot Flashes??

Solaray Supplements

They have a few options depending on your symptoms and stages,

Not Only does this have Maca Root (which majorly helped me stay asleep), but it’s other components have helped with the night sweats too!

YES! That’s ME on the DR. Oz Show working out with Shaun T!

YES! That’s ME on the DR. Oz Show working out with Shaun T!

Fitness At Home! We’re all stuck in quarantine in our own homes. We can either let it take advantage of us or we can take advantage of IT! Gyms are closed but at home work outs are ALWAYS OPEN! Want your own trainer, coach (ME), & gym in your own living room ? Never pay a gym membership again and work out in the privacy & sanitation of your own home!


Hello, I'm Chelsey Hearn. I am a Mental Health and Wellness Mentor that strives to help heal people recovering from toxic relationships, abuse, or with their physical fitness and nutrition.

Specializing in Narcissistic Personality Abuse (NPD) (& other forms of abuse) however, I'm NOT specific to those situations but here for anyone feeling broken from a toxic relationship, a heartbreaking situation, or simply just lost in life in general. Not only do I enjoy helping people with their mental health, I also offer nutrition and fitness coaching as well. It all ties together in living your best life!

My passion as a mentor is to help people utilize their full potential in setting goals and achieving them for a successful and happy life. If you find yourself struggling with depression, anxiety, PTSD, or any forms of mental illness from trauma or a broken heart, or just can’t seem to get your nutrition and physical fitness together, book a call with me, join my free community where free wellness & awareness challenges take place, self study programs are offered, group study sessions are held, free LIVE therapy courses and so much more is available to help your recovery become a true success!

Make the right move and join the "Me Movement"! or become a “Healthy Chelsey Champion” (Fitness group)